Hi All,
This technique deals with someone who is trying to take you down MMA style ,
so they can do the ground and pound on you ,(sit on your chest and punch down
on your face ) even though you can get him off by turning your head and biting
the inside of his leg,punching him in the groin ect. It's best not to get in to that
position at all .
Most of the time they will try to get you to raise your arms up by doing some
type of punch or upper body movement and then shoot in to take you down
by grabbing your legs.
You can defeat this by staying at your safe distance (just out of kicking range)
if they step in and raise their arms as if to punch ,front straight kick them in the groin
this should bend them over, step forward with your kicking leg and wrap your
arm around their neck and apply a forearm choke , now just streach your legs out
and lay your body on top of their head (you will both be laying flat on the ground,you on top)keeping the choke,you will be facing one way they will be facing
the other direction (their body----><-----your body) this technique is VERY Lethal
as there is not very much they can do to get out of it, just choke them into submission,
you can seriously injure some one with this.
There are many ways to do this technique this is just one of them.
Be very careful when practicing this one.
Peace ,Jerry