Friday, July 27, 2007

Increase Your Punching Power

Hi All,
A few people have asked my to tell how to increase their punching power.

To punch with power is a combination of hand and body movement .
Your punching power really starts at your feet and travels up through your body
to your fist.
If you are throwing a right straight punch, you start by stepping forward with your right foot
as you do this you bring up your hands, (hands are open) now you must be close enough to punch through your target, your aim should be to the other side of the target. You close your hand at the very last moment before impact this propels your body weight forward,as you finish stepping bend your forward knee and drop your body weight and twist your hips into the direction of the punch and turn your back foot on to the ball, this tranfers all your body weight to your hand.

So you step,drop your body weight and twist at the waist,close your hand at the last moment and punch through the target.

A good way to practice and learn punching power is to study Bruce Lee's 1 in punch.
The body mechanics are perfect !


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