Sunday, July 22, 2007

Technique of the Month -July 2007

Hi All,
Here is the technique for this month.

Opponent jabs at you with his left hand , his left foot is forward like a boxer.
You step to the right on a straight line with your right foot and strike his arm with a
left out block (moving your arm from your center out in a half circle) grab and hold
his forearm.Step forward toward him and strike with a right forearm to his ribs on his left side,
now let go of his arm and left roundhouse punch to his ribs (in front of his body),now right roundhouse punch to his left kidney (your palm facing down on this punch) now turn to your left and take a small step with your left foot and right side kick to the side of his left knee.

Pointers: When you take that small step with your left foot you slide your right foot till it
lines up with his left knee then do the sidekick.

If he punches with his left and puts his right foot forward (which alot of people do ) you just do a left sidekick to the back of his left knee, to finish.

Have Fun and Practice Safely !


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