Sunday, August 26, 2007

Kung Fu San Soo

Thought I would give you a little history about Kung Fu San Soo.
Kung Fu San Soo as loosely translated from Chinese to English means,
a man learned ,articulate and active in the use of his hands in hand to hand combat with another
Since the Chinese monks that developed this fighting art kept knowledge of San Soo much to
themselves , the exact details of it's origin and development are obscure.
What we do know is that over 2300 yrs ago 5 families of monks combined their knowledge
and Kung Fu San Soo evolved into one of the first organized systems of hand to hand combat.
Each family developed a different part of the art.
They are,
* TSOI - Punching & Kicking
* LI - Leverage
* Hoi - Pressure Points
* Fut - Psychology
* Hung - Power

Kung Fu San Soo is not a sport. It is a fighting technique, based on a combination of strikes,
kicks, blocks and leverages done in a perfect rhythm.
The strikes are directed at the vital areas of the human body.
It's techniques can be changed instantly to suit any situation and do not follow a set pattern.
Principles of physics involving movement and leverage as well as intense concentration and controlled breathing give a San Soo fighter maximum power.
Self confidence , agility,balance,coordination,humility and respect of one's fellow man are also
Since you never know a persons character and who is a fighter and who is not,
you always respect everyone unless they give you a reason not to.
The techniques I put up on this site are Kung Fu San Soo , since you can change them to suit any situation there is no end to the techniques you can do, I have thousands of them written down
and more in books that are distributed by San Soo Associations around the world.
If you are looking for a total fighting art, this is it.

All of the lines of movement in my booklet ,The Use of Lines,Angles and Circles is Hand to Hand
Combat are used in San Soo and will work in almost any martial art.
If you would like a copy use the link on the right side of this page.
Peace , Jerry

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