Thursday, August 9, 2007

Multiple Opponents / Fight or Flight

When faced with more than one opponent , the normal reaction of most people is to
haul a** out of that situation ! That is the correct thing to do.
But sometimes you have no choice .
If you find yourself confronted by 2 or more persons that intend to do you harm, in most cases
the" baddest "of the group will be the first to approach. You drop him quick , without hesitation or mercy in front of the rest of the group so they have to go around or over him to get at you. A lot of the time this will be enough to make the rest hesitate long enough for you to get away.

But if not, you always want to keep who ever you are dealing with in between you and the rest of the group or if you have your hands busy use your legs,side kicks and front kicks are some of your more powerful weapons, groin shots ,knee breaks or rib shots are in order.

Improvised weapons , whatever is handy, rocks,dirt in the eyes, your key chain to the face,rolled up magazine ,pencil ,pen,book anything that's harder than skin can be used.
You use whatever is necessary to make sure you walk away !
Peace ! jerry

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